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Being awarded a Fulbright research award...


Updated: Aug 11, 2019

You worked hard while writing transforming your ideas into a sound research proposals, passed the first selection, then passed the interview, and now here's the reward for your merit...

Welcome to a Fulbright researcher's experience log blog post! Yes, I am one of them and decided to write this blog after trying to get through an administrative forest which may impede your joy of being awarded a #FulbrightVisitingResearchScholarship. While you may be a bit discouraged, do not let it scare you. I hope this blog may be helpful for you. I wish there was someone to help me with it at the beginning. Or was there someone for me? Find out in my future posts...

Being awarded

That day has come. You are awarded. :) Leave yourself some time to celebrate!

You were trying to imagine what it would look like if you were awarded for several times, eh? Scenario 1: You are reading the award letter and jumping off your office chair. Scenario 2: You are screaming out of joy? Scenario 3: You are moving your hips in a dance-like style repeating Roy Orbison's verses "anything you want, you got it; anything you need, you got it; anything at all, you got it, baaaaabyyyyyyyyy...". Scenario 4: ---. Whichever scenario it was, it is probably not going to be like that...

Playing humble

You’ll probably be ear-to-ear smiling calling/texting the dear people who have been supporting you throughout the whole submission process and sharing your joy with them. However, very soon, you'll start playing it humble. My advice? Celebrate! Here's something to put you in the mood if the award itself wasn't enough: You deserved it! Trust me, soon there will be a number of issues to pressure you, now it's time to celebrate. Treat yourself for being #hardworking, #smart, #creative, #selfconfident, #innovative, and #great. Share it with your #family and #friends. Others are not important. They really aren't. You'll see, some people will try not to show (but it shows, believe me) their envy (this word does not even deserve a hashtag). So, quickly forget about them (listen to my advice), and do not even let yourself be in a position they can show it. Just celebrate!

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